Jim is a member of the ARISS-USA executive team and Social Media director. He is a member of the Stone Mountain and North Fulton clubs, and also past President of the Atlanta Radio Club (2016-2018). Jim is a VE with multiple groups and has been an ARES AEC.
Martha is a member of the ARISS-USA Education Committee and serves as an ARISS Educational Ambassador for several ARISS contacts. She is the Secretary of ARISS-International. She is also the ARRL Georgia Section Youth Coordinator.
Forum Description: ARISS, Amateur Radio on the International Space Station, is the fun of Amateur Radio, working with the ISS crew and inspiring students to STEM goals all in one. Did you know ham radio in human spaceflight is about to celebrate its 40th anniversary?
In our forum, we’ll update you on all things ARISS. From the educational side, learn about the 2 recent Georgia school contacts and the 2 upcoming ones this school year. You can also find out what it takes to get your school or club involved. (The proposal window is open now!)
On the amateur radio side, hear more about the engineering and operations activities, like the recent SSTV tests. We’ll also tell you how to get involved in the 40th Anniversary of Amateur Radio in Human Spaceflight event at KSC this February.
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