Presenter: Mickey Baker N4MB, ARRL SE Director, Hank Blackwood K4HYJ Georgia ARRL Section Manager (SM), and Lee Stone KT4LS our Georgia ARRL Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC)
Forum Description:
Info will be posted soon; check back…
Emergency Notification System
GA Hospital Association provides access to the statewide notification system
- Provides the ability to immediately notify GA ARES members about potential severe weather conditions or other incidents
Filter message list to the affected area only
Multiple message formats based on selection criteria by participants
Georgia Amateur Radio Emergency Service is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
Preliminary Plans for State Meeting in March 2025
GA Public Broadcasting – GA ARES partnership
Mount D-Star repeaters on nine GPB towers
Statewide coverage
Hardened utility delivery to tower locations
Preliminary Plans for State Meeting in March 2025
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