I have been Chairman of the Board, the Atlanta Astronomy Club, Past President; the Society of Amateur Radio Astronomy (SARA); Chairman of the Jupiter radio project for SARA; South East Coordinator for the SETI League, and am currently on staff as a Research Associate at Georgia Tech in the Physics and Astronomy department.
At Georgia Tech, I’m responsible for the implementation and maintenance of a remote optical telescope at the Space Force Maui Remote Experimental Station. The telescope utilizes both a CCD and video camera that is used for Outreach for Georgia students. GATech students also use the telescope for their own projects.
My best Astronomy project was the coordination of a group of amateur radio astronomers who monitored the Comet Shoemaker/Levy impact into Jupiter at the Decametric frequencies. Well, it was a great success. We had twelve observers who were able to get accurate data in the decametric frequencies between 18 and 21 MHz. Our contribution verified several professional optical reports and we were the only folks to see one impact when the world’s optical observatories were under cloud cover. The data was accepted by NRAO and NASA and was used to coordinate the downloading impact from the Galileo spacecraft.
I enjoy astro-photography with the optical telescope, and radio astronomy, looking at Cold Hydrogen in our galaxy with a radio telescope, and the Radio Jove project.
Career-wise, I started with Boeing Aerospace on the Minuteman ICBM project and then spent 29 years with IBM. An opportunity for early retirement came up and I jumped at the chance. The last ten years were spent in international electronic communications with the highlight being a Vice President of a Metro Media company responsible for designing and building a European fiber backbone network.
Forum Description: Tom will discuss the radio emissions from the planet Jupiter and the Radio Jove NASA project that focuses on the detection of Jovian emissions and Corona Mass Ejections from the Sun. This is a way to utilize your ham radio HF equipment to monitor these emissions
Have you ever wondered about the captivating sounds of Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system? Get ready to embark on a cosmic journey like never before as we delve into the enigmatic world of Jupiter’s radio emissions and the NASA Radio Jove mission.
During this presentation, you’ll learn:
The science behind Jupiter’s radio emissions and their origin. Insights from the cutting-edge Radio Jove project. Studying Jupiter’s electromagnetic symphony helps us understand our solar system and beyond. Discussed will be how you may use your HF radio gear to detect Jovian emissions.
The talk will also include how to detect Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) from our Sun.
About Radio Jove: Radio Jove is a NASA project utilizing Citizen Science to help record and study Jupiter’s radio emissions and magnetosphere.
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