John Davis, WB4QDX, serves as the Georgia AuxComm Manager (ACM). John is very active in the amateur radio community. He’s a Past President of the Gwinnett Amateur Radio Society (GARS), former District Emergency Coordinator (DEC) for Georgia ARES, and former Emergency Coordinator (EC) for Gwinnett ARES. He’s had leadership roles in a number of other amateur radio related organizations. John has professional emergency communications experience, having served as the Mobile Systems Supervisor at Gwinnett County Government. He holds several FEMA/CISA certifications. In addition to his extensive Emergency/Auxiliary Communications experience, he’s also a nationally known expert on DSTAR who frequently presents to national audiences.
Joe Domaleski, KI4ASK, serves as the Georgia AuxComm Public Information Officer (PIO). Joe is also very active in the amateur radio community. He just finished a term as the Assistant Section Manager for the ARRL Georgia Section. He’s a Past President of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club, former Emergency Coordinator (EC) for Fayette ARES, and continues to serve as a WX4PTC Skywarn operator at the National Weather Service (NWS) Office in Peachtree City, serving Metro Atlanta. He holds several FEMA/CISA certifications. Joe and his wife Mary Catherine, KI4HHI, are also well known speakers at regional hamfests about various topics including AMSAT, SOTA, POTA, and Fox Hunting. He enjoys sharing the ham radio hobby that he considers “fun and useful” to anyone who’ll listen!
Forum Description: This presentation will contain real-world events that unfolded during and after Hurricane Helene.
AUXCOMM is an abbreviation for “auxiliary communications.” In May 2019, the AUXCOMM position was officially recognized as part of the Incident Command System (ICS) under the Communications Unit as AUXC. In Georgia, the AUXC position is recognized by Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security (GEMA/HS) to support auxiliary communications at the State Operations Center (SOC) and for official deployments requiring auxiliary communications. Georgia AUXCOMM has been formed to provide GEMA with trained communicators and provide information, ongoing training, and support for AUXCOMM operators in the state. Georgia AUXCOMM works in coordination with ARES and other auxiliary/emergency communications groups primarily at the state level. During this forum you’ll learn more about:
- What is AUXCOMM
- How AUXCOMM fits into ICS
- Overview of the Georgia AUXCOMM Organization
- Review of selected AUXCOMM missions
- How to get certified
- Relationship with ARES
- Current challenges
- Current opportunities
- How to join Georgia AUXCOMM
- Where to get more information
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