Presenters: Skip Kazmarek K4EAK and Joshua Ellis N5FY
Thanks for all the input. We’re happy to announce that this year’s Skills Workshop will be a building session for a 40m end-fed half-wave antenna. This antenna is resonant on 40m, 20m, 15m, and 10m, with an SWR below 2.0 across the entirety of all four bands. We show you how to add a link to make it resonant on 30m as well. The EFHW antenna is probably the most popular antenna for portable operations, such as Parks on the Air activations. This version provides an additional benefit in that, unlike most QRP versions, it is built with components making it suitable for power levels up to 250W SSB or 100W CW and digital. If you like to bring your QRO radio to your park activations, set up on a picnic bench while camping, or set up an outdoor station for events like Field Day, this is the antenna for you.
Its use is not limited to portable situations. Because it has only one 67’ wire and can be strung in a variety of configurations (horizontal, sloper, inverted-V, or “L”), it is also the perfect HF antenna where HOA or other limitations require a stealthy installation. Although the antenna is not designed for “permanent” installations, setup is so quick and easy (usually less than 10 minutes at a suitable locale), that setting it up when needed is no problem.
During this session, we will supply you with all of the materials necessary to build an EFHW antenna, including 68 feet of 22-gauge Polystealth black wire.
The price of this kit is $49 dollars payable at the online Ticket Booth.
There are only 10 seats available for this build.