Chuck is the North American Performance Administrator for
Forum Description: Now in its 18th year of operation, is amateur radio’s most comprehensive, worldwide, free, online repeater directory. As the preeminent global gold standard for ham radio repeater information, can help hams with programmable radios better leverage and enjoy their technology investments.
With almost 85,000 ham repeaters tracked worldwide, is an essential tool for any ham wanting to keep up with their local, state, and national repeater portfolios that are rapidly emerging, changing, and evolving.
This hour-long forum will take a closer, hands-on look at how to best utilize to help you quickly and easily keep your HF, VHF, and UHF repeater portfolios updated and working properly.
Hands-on Workshop: If you wish, bring your programmable mobile radio, programming software, tools, cables, and questions if you want some help in a separate break-out session to be held immediately after the conclusion of this forum.
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