Meeting Future Hams Where They Are Today

Presenter: Jody Carter W4LWC Club Sponsor, Rambler Radio Club and Bruce Cram KD4JFD

Jody Carter  W4LWC, is the sponsor of the Rambler Radio Club (W4LMS) of LaFayette Middle School in Northwest Georgia. Jody has been a teacher in Walker County for 28 years, and the sponsor of W4LMS for 17 years.  Through W4LMS, his students have traveled to the International Space Station and 6 of the 7 continents.  W4LMS have been interviewed on television, in newspapers, and presented at local conventions. W4LMS has competed nationally for the past 15 years in School Club Roundup – during the last 3 years, Rambler Radio Club has placed 1st in the nation twice and 2nd in the nation twice in the Middle School / Junior High Division.

Bruce Cram KD4JFD, is a School Bus Driver and former Middle School Special Education Paraprofessional.

Forum Description:  From its foundation, Amateur Radio has been on the cutting edge of technology.  We want to secure the future of the hobby by investing in the next generations of hams.

So where could we begin?

  • When, where, and with what groups should we begin?
    • Elementary, Middle, and High School Students?
    • Scouts?
    • College Students?
    • Families?
    • First Responders?
    • Preppers?
    • All of the above?
    • Who else?

Let’s talk about it!

Let’s have a frank discussion of the future of Amateur Radio and how we can continue to expand the hobby while preserving the foundations of it found in the Radio Amateur’s Code.

Bring solutions that have worked in your neighborhoods.


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